Haryana Staff Selection Commission(HSSC) conducts a number of exams each year, such as Haryana Patwari, Haryana Police Constable(Male and Female), Haryana Gram Sachiv, etc. The Commission released a notification adv09/2019 for the Gram Sachiv Exam 2019.
Gram Sachiv in Haryana
The job profile includes assisting the village administration in various functions and duties. The Gram Sachivs are assigned to the Gram Panchayats.

The duties of Haryana Gram Sachiv include maintaining financial records, budgeting, arranging meetings and appointments, preparing reports, and taking care of the legal formalities, etc. He has the role of a secretary to the Gram Panchayat, Gram Sabha, and Nyaya Panchayat.
Salary of Haryana Gram Sachiv
The average initial salary for the post is around Rs.25,000 and perks as per government norms. Payscale lies between 19,900 to 63,000; the probation period is two years. Under the probation period, the work done should be satisfactory for the higher authorities and according to the requirements. The authorities make the candidate a permanent employee if satisfied with their work.
HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam Procedure
The criteria for Gram Sachiv is the same as Haryana Patwari-
- Age limit-17-42 years
- Educational qualification-
- A graduate from any recognized university or its equivalent
- You should have passed matric with Hindi or Sanskrit as one of the subjects or Higher.
- Nationality- Should be a citizen of India.
- Work Experience- There is no mandatory requirement to apply for HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam 2021. However, there is benefit criteria for candidates for experienced candidates. Selection Process for HSSC Gram Sachiv exam-
The selection is made based on a written exam conducted for 90 marks and ten marks for socio-economic criteria and experience. There are around 697 vacancies for the post this time.
MARKING SCHEME for HSSC Gram Sevak Exam-
90 marks for written examination.
i) 75% for General Awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics, Science, Computer, English, and Hindi or any concerned subject.
ii) 25% for History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture, etc., of Haryana.
10 marks for Socio-economic Criteria-
i) If neither the applicant nor their family member is or was a regular employee in any authority of the government of Haryana or any other state. (5 marks)
ii)If the applicant is a widow or a single parent. (5 marks)
iii) If the applicant’s father dies before he attains 15 years of age. (5marks)
iv)If the applicant belongs to a Nomadic tribe of Haryana which is neither Scheduled Tribe nor a Backward Caste.
(5 marks)
0.5 marks for a period of each year exceeding six months and no marks for the candidates with experience of less than six months. (maximum 8 marks)
Haryana Gram Sachiv Promotion and Career Growth-
The candidates of the Gram Sachiv program can observe a consistent increase in their salaries. Also, the department will perform a separate routine for regular promotions. All the candidates who are capable enough and deserving and meet all the required criteria will get promoted to higher jobs. The candidates who strive for promotion can also attend the exam for recruitment for that particular higher post.
HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam Date
The HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam 2021 will be conducted on the 7th, 8th, and 9th of January, 2022.
Admit Card
The admit cards are going to be available on www.hssc.gov.in. Candidates can download the Admit Card for HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam 2021 from the official website. When the officials release the admit cards, the candidates will get information with a notice.
The Documents required for HSSC Gram Sachiv are Adhaar Card, Voter Id, PAN Card, Passport, etc.
Here’s how to download the Admit Card for gram Sachiv exam 2021-
- Open the official website www.hssc.gov.in.
- Search in for the HSSC Gram Sachiv Admit Card 2021 on the Home Page.
- Once you find its link.
- Click on the respective link, fill in all your details in the given fields.
- Submit your details.
- Finally, download the HSSC Gram Sachiv Admit Card 2021.
The hall tickets will be out in the first week of January 2022.